Israel’s Trauma

And the ancestoral curse of victimhood

5 min readSep 9, 2024
Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash

It is hard not to be affected by the blood and misery in the Middle East. The atrocities, the barbarity of the IDF operating under the false banner of ‘self defence,’ (there is no entitlement of defence against a people they have locked in by land, sea and air and, therefore, exist as ‘occupied’) and the cold blooded, sadistic responses from Israeli mainstream and social media, pile on to each other, day after day, week after week.

But it is not surprising. This didn’t come out of a clear blue sky on 7th October when everything was right and in its peaceful place. The killings, the atrocities, the oppression has been going on since the 1948 Nakba and the creation of Israel. And before that, Zionist terrorists were roaming the land killing Arabs and British soldiers. The creation of Israel was born into conflict. It is what inevitably happens when you impose an ethno-state onto a pre-existing society, instantly creating 750,000 refugees in the process. This was never going away. And when you compound the problem through a sustained policy of oppression and apartheid, where one bloodline is seen as inferior to the more recent settlers, the subsequent decades will be written in blood, and more blood.

Zionism is an ideology forged in the nineteenth century when it was still okay, and pretty normal, to…




Recently retired and completed MA in creative writing. Trying for the writer’s life with no more excuses about the day job. Named top writer in music.