Member-only story
Last price: Chapter Twenty Four
Natalie plans to take Shiva to India
Chai was waiting for him. Natalie proffered a hot mug that sported a sculpted face of a grinning gargoyle, a souvenir from Oxford. But her smile was troubled.
‘I’m worried about Dave,’ she said. ‘I think he’s ill. I mean crazy ill. He keeps talking about you. Says you’re some lost god. He’s gone really psychotic.’
‘Why do you think that?’
‘Hello? Isn’t that enough?’
Shiva shrugged. ‘Maybe.’
‘And he’s gone and joined the Hare Krishna’s.’
Shiva nodded. ‘Then it is very serious.’
He sipped at his tea, deep in thought. That was another to Vishnu. The Preserver had a penchant for re-birthing every few thousand years. It did wonders for his popularity. Krishna, Buddha, a tortoise, it was all the same to him. ‘Whatever works, whatever preserves,’ he had counselled Shiva during a spot of mentoring. And his position in the ratings certainly had.
‘I tried to get him to see his GP but he won’t listen. Just goes on about you being The One.’
‘Perhaps I should see him.’
‘And perhaps not. You are a major part of his delusions. Believe me, he’s really paranoid.’