Talking ‘Bout a Revolution

The veil of neoliberalism is lifted

6 min readJul 26, 2024
Photo by William Gibson on Unsplash

We need a revolution. I don’t mean erecting guillotines in the main squares of every town and city across the country, and heads rolling into baskets to the frenzied cheering of the masses. No. Like all our more recent revolutions, from the Industrial to the Digital, this one will be bloodless. We need a revolution to overthrow the hegemonic ideology that seeped into our socio-economies around the late seventies onwards, spearheaded by leaders such as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was another revolution of itself. Now it is the modus operandi of all western countries, especially the US and UK.

Over successive governments, led by the nose by multi-national corporations and the five per cent of our wealthiest, neoliberalism has become embedded into our systems. It is now virtually unchallenged. This form of capitalism on steroids is assumed to be our only option. It is seen as the natural way of the world, the only way to go about things, like it or lump it. It is as nature intended. Advocates of this broken system, currently held together by a transparent sticking plaster, point to the vanquished alternatives of the communist Soviet system. And who wants a failed system based on rigid and oppressive totalitarian governments? The supporters of neoliberalism argue it is based on ideas of freedom, the joys…




Recently retired and completed MA in creative writing. Trying for the writer’s life with no more excuses about the day job. Named top writer in music.